Make your reservation now for the Fall Photo Workshop at TRAC! We’ll have about 10 usually shy, birds of prey, including Regis – a Bald Eagle, Benny the Barn Owl, Gimli – and American Kestrel, Dori – a Peregrine Falcon and several more ambassadors posing like models in natural settings. It’s an excellent way to capture once-in-a-lifetime photographs of skittish birds and a way to practice your wildlife photography skills at the same time. It’s quite rare to be able to ask to place birds of prey in a photographic position, but you can at this workshop. If it’s a natural, safe position, we’ll do our best to pose them there.
You can attend the all-day session from 9 am-4 pm or register for the morning session from 9-12 pm or the afternoon session from 1-4 pm. The birds will be in different locations during the morning and afternoon sessions. Your participation fee helps fund the rehabilitation work at the Three Rivers Avian Center. To register or for more information, visit