What’s The Big Deal With Southern West Virginia?
July 15, 2009
Here’s a secret: southern West Virginia is one of the best vacation spots in the country.
Maybe that’s our fault. We don’t want to keep it a secret, obviously. Please, be our guests; tell everyone. Shout it from the hilltops. Share it on your facey-spacies. It’s a big deal.
A New Blog Series
Well, a lot of us think it’s a big deal. So, we’re going to spotlight exactly why with a short series of blog posts.
We’ll be talking about some of the major draws for visitors throughout our region. And the way we’ll do that is by going from area to area, and listing the things that we like about it.
That way, when people say, “Hey, what’s the big deal about Beckley, WV?”, you can say, “Oh, Beckley? That place has a coal mine tour that goes 1500 feet under a mountain. You’ve never been?! Are you out of your mind? We need to go right now! That place is a big deal…”
Or something like that.
Some Examples Of Why SWV Is A Big Deal (We’re Biased)
There really are great reasons to come visit. Of course, we’re a little one-sided. But can you blame us? Check this out…
• West Virginia is covered by more than 75% forest.
• We have the lowest crime rate in the country.
• One reason we’re the Mountain State is because we have the highest average elevation east of the Mississippi.
• We were once the site of the largest Oak tree in the country (it died), and still have the largest Sycamore (goin’ strong).
• We’re the most northern of southern states and the most southern of northern states.
• We have the world’s first brick street.
• Golden Delicious apple? That’s right. West Virginia.
Typical Big Deal Information
What we really want to provide with these posts are facts about cool stuff to see and do, places that we like to stay, some of the best places to eat… that kind of thing.
Vacation time is precious. Maybe we can help plan a little of yours by finding out what the big deal is around southern West Virginia.
And thanks, too, for reading them. We hope they’re helpful.
What’s Your Big Deal?
Have a place that you’d like spotlighted? Some info on the big deal about so-and-so town? Share it. Reply to any of these posts, and let the world know what you know that you want others to know about southern West Virginia.