Public Lands Day program at Burnwood Sept 28th at noon. We will meet in the pavilion on the right (closest to the Burnwood Trailhead). Activities will be held in an outdoor pavilion setting, please dress for the weather. Active SWV will be hosting a learning session about adaptive and beginner friendly activities; how to lead them, equipment modifications, and a listening session from participants. You should attend this workshop to learn leadership skills for diverse groups of beginners and persons with disabilities. You should attend this workshop if you are or can represent beginners or persons with disabilities. This will be facilitated for everyone to learn together. The first hour event will include presentations: Successful strategies Active SWV utilizes for beginner friendly activities Adaptive and inclusive language How trails are measured for accessibility mapping NPS. Group discussion and Q&A The second hour will include hands on demonstrations with equipment and hiking. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and provide insight to limitation and challenges users might face. Take a look at climbing gear Explore paddle board accessories for beginners. Take a hike through the lens of limited mobility This is a great way to celebrate National Public Lands Day. Registration to any Active SWV free programming indicates acceptance of our liability waiver for every adult and child attending.…/Release-Assumption-of-Risk-and…